Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities

Design of Strategic Evaluation Plan and Learning Approach

The Change Our Client Seeks

Since its founding in 2015, the Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities has worked to improve educational outcomes and workforce readiness for Florida’s major research universities. Its comprehensive and inclusive vision is to enable universities and regional partners to share ideas, design solutions, and ensure the success of students by focusing on four specific objectives: increase four-year first time in college (FTIC) graduation rate, increase the six-year transfer graduation rate, increase one-year full-time employment rate for new graduates, and increase average first-time employment salaries.

The Role We’re Playing

As the Consortium continues its mission, Equal Measure is applying a mixed-method iterative evaluation to uncover the potential impact of the Consortium’s activities on the different levels of stakeholders and identify ways the consortium can continue to be a catalyst to accelerate student success. Throughout our engagement, we will be in regular communication with the Consortium to facilitate new insights, make space for reflection, capture progress, and support the dissemination of findings to the broader field.